Mental Wellness Blog & News

What is important about mind health?

What is important about mind health?

What is mind health? Why healthy inner domain matter for every person? After many years of celebrating World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, this year's theme has hit the nail! Let's look further at how to ‘Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’? Firstly all trends need to start from somewhere. The ideal place to start is your o...
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Mind health revolution

Mind health revolution

It is time to make training our minds as normal as going to the gym and benefit from keeping inner calmness and mental strength. World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on the 10th of October. In 2022 the theme is ‘Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’. Let's look at how to do that. First, let's state the obvious. in the case of our heal...
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How to reduce stress and improve focus?

How to reduce stress and improve focus?

Are you aware that being stressed reduces our ability to focus? In 2021, 71% of employees found it difficult to concentrate at work, compared to 65% (6% increase) in 2020 and 45% (25% increase) in 2018. Several factors could contribute to this increase, but we can't ignore the importance of the growing stress. The results above originate from the Mind The Workplace: Employer Responsibili...
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How to train your mind to achieve success?

How to train your mind to achieve success?

We all desire success. However until you take personal responsibility and commit to achieving it, it keeps slipping away. Let’s observe why mind health is the key to your success. Your brain is neuroplastic, and thus something you can train to comprehend and lead various inner processes of your mind. Understanding your own inner processes represents the key to establishing a sustainable p...
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The benefits of training your mind

The benefits of training your mind

Mind health is about training your mind when you are still doing okay. Today our Managing Director Kaur Lass is featured in the Brand Called You podcast episode. This podcast is facilitated by the wonderful host Ashutosh Garg. In the podcast, Kaur opened up about how to keep your mind fit and well through a new digital mental wellness training concept. Why do you need to train your mind? ...
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How to turn employee engagement and productivity expectations real?

How to turn employee engagement and productivity expectations real?

Excellent intrapersonal skills and focus on keeping good mind health are a must, at least if you would love to see expectations about good employee engagement and productivity become real. Only people who can focus and deal with pressures successfully can solve difficult challenges. We can all perform well when we know what we do and there is no external pressure and demands. However, perfor...
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Mental wellness as an excellent investment

Mental wellness as an excellent investment

Crops are consistently poor in bad soil, no matter how good the seeds and water are, they will not grow. Similarly, no work purpose, regardless of how well it is defined, can materialize unless the people in that workplace have fit minds and willingness to seize the initiative. We can see the work environment as water and the meaning of work as seeds. The fertile soil here is our mental wellbei...
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Intrapersonal skills as the most beneficial investment in employee engagement

Intrapersonal skills as the most beneficial investment in employee engagement

Corporate wellness training focusing on improving mental sharpness, mental fitness and intrapersonal skills uplifts employee engagement. Such HR training is crucial in all those workplaces where bright minds are the key input to securing different products and services. Without excellent intrapersonal skills, genuine caring and interest in what you do, the actual work engagement is bound to fad...
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This excellent new book allows you to let go of your disturbing emotions

This excellent new book allows you to let go of your disturbing emotions

While you CAN'T change the past, YOU CAN become aware of the past events and accept that they invariably happened and release the disturbing emotion that keeps you stuck and irritated.  You typically carry your emotional experiences and worries from the past to your present life situations. When your mind runs on autopilot mode and discovers something similar, it reacts automatically t...
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How to deal with work stress successfully before it causes burnout and problems?

How to deal with work stress successfully before it causes burnout and problems?

When your mind is in turmoil, it reacts fast and often inadequately. Work stress is your own adverse inner reactivity. You experience a considerable amount of stress when you face stimulating external pressure. Intensive pressure that you fail to handle. Your stress can be negative or positive. However, in both cases, something gets triggered within your mind. And when this inner triggering is ...
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How to stop procrastination and improve mental fitness at work?

How to stop procrastination and improve mental fitness at work?

Modern work uses mental skills and is based on excellent self-leadership. Focus, creativity and insights of your people will turn ideas into solutions. At work, we see procrastination causing delays every day. People postpone salient tasks such as making a call, sending an e-mail, avoiding appointments, submitting a report, broaching a stressful or difficult issue with a colleague, etc. Proc...
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The definition of Mental Wellness and the importance of mental wellbeing in the work context

The definition of Mental Wellness and the importance of mental wellbeing in the work context

Mental wellness as a term defines the proactive approach to mental health. However, there is more than meets the eye. The fundamental sense of wellbeing leads to happiness and inner peace. Being calm and possessing a fit mind is what drives exceptional work results. In a work context, you should associate mental wellness with different types of activities that allow you as an individual to w...
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Personal initiative is the result of mental sharpness

Personal initiative is the result of mental sharpness

All your commitments demand personal initiative. By committing you will pledge to take action to do something.  Some of these activities you engage in are pleasant, but some aren't. That is what accomplishing something is all about, it comes down to taking action regardless of the fun and pleasure factor. By definition, a commitment means the state or quality of being dedicated to a...
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How to silence the mind and benefit from inner calmness?

How to silence the mind and benefit from inner calmness?

A fit mind is capable of sustained focus when needed. It is equally qualified to remain calm when there is turmoil and pressure. How can employers benefit from a calm and fit mind? A sharp mind can access creativity and intuition at will and express ideas with precise descriptions. Workplaces stand to win from fit and sharp minds.&nbs...
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Training your inner space as a source of wealth and proactive wellbeing

Training your inner space as a source of wealth and proactive wellbeing

How do you define proactive wellbeing benefits? How do you train your mind or secure a fit inner space for every team member? How much focus does your team have on inner wealth and wellness? Wealth is about having the needed assets at your disposal whenever you actually need them. External wealth is defined as the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions, convertible in...
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