We accept local payments for the mental wellness e-trainings in the UK

We accept local payments for the mental wellness e-trainings in the UK

One of our main target markets for mental wellness e-trainings is the UK. As the United Kingdom left the European Union on January 1st, 2021, we lacked a simple solution for accepting payments for few weeks of this year. Now we have solved this, and the good news to all our UK customers and prospects is that we can again accept the local payments the way that is easy for you.

We can now submit you an invoice in British Pounds (GBP), and you don't have to worry about international payments. 

We found that some of our countrymen made solving this problem easy. Wise, is an international money transfer system that started as TransferWise here in Estonia and then located in the UK. They managed to change how money gets transferred across borders. We now have an opened GBP account with them, and you can pay our invoices within the UK again with ease. That makes securing mental wellness in the UK easier for you and your staff.

This mental wellness evolution is revolutionary

We hope that we can make a huge difference in how the world sees mental health. We strive to bring the new proactive mental wellness approach visible across the globe. We dream of a world where people have healthy minds that allow them to work well, live well, and have healthy relationships. 

Come and find out more about how to have excellent mental well-being without any cost to you by:
1) Reading our blog posts;
2) Browsing our free resources;
3) Downloading content-rich proactive mental wellness e-book with 6 globally published articles.

You are also welcome to find out about the unique and fairly priced e-training programs that enable your employees to learn intrapersonal skills that secure excellent mental well-being and fit brain.

Get an offer for your mental wellness program here

Stress and burnout reduction trainingProactive mental wellness trainingProductivity and mental wellness training

This news post is by Kaur Lass