How Accessible is Inner Wellness?

How Accessible is Inner Wellness?Dr. Helena Lass in front of 550 HR's, HRPRORiga, Latvia

In the modern era, we tend to see humans more or less as material entities, prioritizing the physical body. That comes at the cost of ignoring mental and inner wellness and discarding our spiritual aspects.

Are you a mere physical body?

If a human being is considered to be just a physical body it equals being a bio-robot. With the change in aspirations (from mere survival to being happy and innerly calm) alongside the shift in the nature of work (from physical labor to relying on our own inner resources such as creativity, purposeful thinking, leading our awareness and attention at will), the whole society is on the verge of a global change in paradigm on what it means to be human and to be alive.

This shift towards becoming more aware of our intrapersonal potentials might well turn out to be the biggest disruption of the entire millennium, innovation, or even a revolution if you will.

With are blessed to be alive now and see this change towards humane and conscious focused values unfold. We can be part of this change and improve the quality of our lives.

Being a human you somehow already know, that you are more than a mere physical body. Nevertheless, you lack a good understanding of what exactly exists besides this physical form.

Who are you? What inner resources and functions do you have? How do your inner functions manifest as behavior and decisions? How do I execute?

In a society where the biological form has been paramount, there has been little to no education on your internal or intrapersonal functioning. For example, we have lacked mental fitness lessons in schools and have had no intrapersonal education whatsoever. As a result, we are utterly in the dark about the potentials, challenges, and regimes of our inner domain.

Your intrapersonal domain is key to inner wellness

The term “mind” is too general, confusing, and difficult to grasp. It will only become understandable when you start to study it function by function. Layer by layer. Then you will notice that the myriad of functions, far more inter-twined than the physical ones, can be grouped together based on common characteristics.

One will find out that these inner functions can't be managed or directed by using physical muscles or movements, and that each set of functions requires its own skill-set. These practical skills, when obtained, can bring an end to just hoping to get it right or having a good day and allow you to mobilize your own inner resources deliberately, with precision and efficiency.

Everyone needs to learn to manage both external challnges and their inner potentials. When you do so, you as a person become free from intrapersonal limitations that have accumulated for generations and be fully functional to thrive in life.

The significance of acquiring intrapersonal skills cannot be overstated, as they serve as the very foundation for wellness, success, and happiness.

Without skills to lead your inner domaoin your internal wellness and calmness just isn't accessible to you when you meet challnges and failures.

How can anyone be mentally well, when there is no practical understanding about who you are (who is the boss?), what are the inner functions (to be directed) and how to direct them so that all systems function in the most optimal manner? A lack of comprehension renders it unattainable and this is exactly what we see happening all around the world.

However, you probably want to work with individuals who are smart, engaged, and willing to take responsibility? With people, who are creative, insightful, and take initiative?

If you lead a team or a company, how can you ensure the maximum return on investment (ROI)? The answer is finding smart and engaged people and innovative solutions. Great words!

In reality, the journey from a great idea to the actual product or world-class service is often not a straight line. People get tired, stressed, and overworked.

An immense lack of intrapersonal skills allows for the daily routine to set in, people succumb to micro-managing and merely going through the motions, over time losing access to creativity, intuition, and gaining insights. What is left is routine.

How to boost your internal productivity?

Routine is the autopilot mode. Doing whatever you do automatically, without understanding the bigger picture or losing track of the initial insights and ideas.

When your people run on autopilot, innovation becomes impossible.

Learning practical intrapersonal skills

Solution: enable your team to restart. We’re not talking about another emotional motivational training or a raise in salary. The effect of those widespread interventions is short-term, soon the autopilot mode sets in again, and nothing changes. We are talking about something more efficient.

True restart is the renewal of inner software – a totally new skill set and an operating system. 

What keeps your operating system functioning well and without crashing?

The solution here is equipping your inner domain with practical intrapersonal skills. Skills that you can apply both for staying well and being productive.

Are you aware that staff mental wellness training is an investment?

Did you know that proactive mental wellness training has the potential to provide excellent ROI (we updated this link to the recent 2020 study by Deloitte UK) and make sound business sense?




The ROI of workplace mental health interventions is overwhelmingly positive. The average return per £1 spent was £4.20.

 Source: Thriving at Work: the Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers (2017)

Through the successful implementation of an effective action to create a mentally healthy workplace, organizations, on average, can expect a positive return on investment (ROI) of 2,3.

 ► Source: Creating a mentally healthy workplace. Return on investment analysis - A study performed by PwC (2014)

LaMontagne et al. (2007) reviewed 90 studies on the effectiveness of stress management intervention, of which 8 included a cost-benefit analysis. All 8 demonstrated a financial benefit from the intervention (measures including sickness absence costs, sales revenue, and productivity). Among workers exposed to the interventions, sales revenue increased by 23% (compared with 17 % in the control group) and absenteeism decreased by 24% (compared with 7 % in the control group).

► Source: A Systematic Review of the Job-stress Intervention Evaluation Literature, 1990–2005 (2007)

The findings based on figures obtained in selected European countries show that every 1€ of expenditure in mental health promotion and prevention programme generates net economic benefits over a one-year period of up to 13,62€.

► Source: Economic analysis of workplace mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention programmes and of their potential contribution to EU health, social and economic policy objectives (2013)

The 2016 meta-analysis, which included more than 82,000 business units in 73 countries across 49 industries, found that units in the top one-fourth of engagement scores were 17% more productive and 21% more profitable than those in the bottom one-fourth.

► Source: The Relationship Between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes, Gallup (2016)




When you become aware that company profitability and productivity can increase only by empowering employees to manage their inner functions more skillfully, the attitude towards mental wellness training shifts – these are no longer seen as an expense and become a smart investment instead.

This view totally disrupts the understanding of the company’s untapped growth potential – no longer being only about what the employees know (the professional skills) and being even more about how they use that knowledge (the intrapersonal skills).

The myth of staff mental wellness training being too expensive

It is no secret that the training of staff often competes with budgetary allocation concerns in favor of other traditional expenditures. Like buying new hardware or updating external software or having a bigger advertising budget.

It is alarming that from one angle our businesses totally rely on the ability of their employees to mobilize their inner resources, yet most companies haven't realized the immense benefits of updating this very crucial component – the inner software of their people. Intrapersonal skills address attention, awareness, purposeful thinking and removal of negative emotional states and thus can be seen as such software.

The Internet is also shaping the way we learn, with new online learning experiences being far more personal, flexible and affordable than the traditional methods. Being the only one in the world to specialize in pro-active mental wellness and intrapersonal skills, with Wellness Orbit trainings your team can simultaneously enjoy the benefits of online learning and access skills that are unique and unknown even to many psychologists and psychiatrists sticking to old reactive mental health paradigm.

Would you have expenses from mental ill-health or rather invest in updating your employee’s inner software to empower better mobilization of their inner competencies and secure their mental fitness? So, what is the cost of mental wellness training?

Imagine that with approximately £540 ($660 or 600€) you could choose to either train 10 staff members for 3 months using the mental wellness gym training or:

  1. Send two staff members to an average level 1-day business conference;
  2. Provide a year’s gym membership for 2-3 employees;
  3. Buy a cup of coffee every business day for a year from a branded coffee house (like Starbucks);
  4. Buy 2 economy class airline tickets;
  5. Buy 2 table-tennis tables.
  6. Subscribe to ‘The Economist’ for 2 years.

Large workplaces can enjoy the Mental Wellness Gym mental health and wellbeing e-trainings here at an even more attractive price, with the investment starting from £54 ($67 or 60€) for a single training per employee in case of bigger teams.

Mental wellness enables to thrive at busy open offices

Time to cut limitations and thrive

Our founder Dr. Helena Lass (a psychiatrist by education and awareness teacher by passion) sees it as her mission to change attitudes towards how we approach the inner functions of humans, mental wellness and work-life integration.

Our team aims to provide entrepreneurs and top experts with the right inner tools (intrapersonal skills) to boost their professional excellence as well as fulfillment in life. We see that it is our mission is to make the practical application of intrapersonal skills viral.

Where traditional methods have failed, we use technology to serve hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, enabling pro-active education about mental wellness and awareness-based intrapersonal skills to become accessible to all. Only this can break the global trend of rising mental illnesses (stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, etc. occur mostly due to a lack of intrapersonal skills for work).

Despite the sometimes impersonal digital format, Dr. Lass and her team maintain a unique one-on-one feel even in an online setting. This special feature turns the Wellness Orbit e-trainings into much more than a mere source of information and creates a space for direct empirical experience – a key to really understanding awareness, our most potent inner resource incomprehensible to the regular thinking mind.

Two keys – Self-awareness and mental wellness

Self-awareness isn't narrowly about meditation or relaxation, self-awareness is first and foremost your practical ability to notice what is going on, to take responsibility for choices and actions, have access to creativity, intuition and initiative.

You can even say that mental wellness and mental illness are polar opposites (see our previous blog post). If the inner domain is well and functions in the best optimal way, everyone can excel at the work they do. This is what we at Wellness Orbit are passionate about – empowering your people to excel every day at what they do.

Conclusion – mental health and wellbeing training is now affordable for you

As you probably already know – the optimal functioning of your staff has a direct impact on your business. Mobilization of the innate inner resources is the key to innovation, further growth and fulfillment.

We have made proactive mental health and wellbeing training affordable and easy to use for you and your whole team. Inner wellness is now accessible and should be seen as an excellent investment allowing instant ROI.

So, the question isn’t can you afford Wellness Orbit online trainings? Rather, it’s how much longer are you going to entertain low employee engagement, lack of initiative, and costs related to stress and burnout (including sick leaves and productivity loss of your top-level experts)?


Show me the e-trainings available today

If you would like to discuss a tailored package to train a small part of your team first, please get in touch with us:


When people run on autopilot, innovation becomes impossible    Mental wellness training has helped businesses to improve emoloyee engagement

This blog post is written by Kaur Lass and Chad Palmer. Updated 04.04.2022