Fostering Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

Fostering Mental Health Awareness in the WorkplaceWorld Mental Health Day

In the realm of workplace culture, October has assumed a new significance beyond its colorful autumnal charm. Every year people around the globe celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October and in several countries, this autumn month has become synonymous with Mental Health Month.

Optimistically, we do hope it is now finally time when business leaders and HR managers notice the importance of nurturing a mentally resilient workforce.

A systematic proactive approach to mental wellness isn't just an act of goodwill but a strategic investment with a remarkable ROI.

In today's fast-paced business world, stress and burnout have become extremely common as people lack proper intrapersonal skills.

After a long summer and returning to routine employees are often stretched thin, juggling demanding workloads and personal responsibilities. Autumn, offers an opportunity to address these challenges head-on as people face again more pressure.

Promoting active use of awareness-based intrapersonal skills paves a proactive path to securing mentally resilient mindsets for your staff. Don't wait, start this sustainable preventative mental wellness path now.

Mental health is a universal human right on and off work

Right now when you read this, it's your best time to encourage open conversations about workplace-wide prevention of mental health issues and provide resources to support keeping a fit and sharp mind. Also, when problems appear, promote seeking help as early as possible and secure access to mental health first aid.

Wellness Orbit was founded to make training your brightest minds easy. That is why instead of a reactive approach we focus on proactivity and prevention.

You benefit from having a fit mind 24/7. Feeling mentally well is what allows us to thrive as humans.

Are you and your team enjoying mental wellness?

We see that enjoying mental wellness is part of being a thriving human being.

The question is: Are you suffering from stress, burnout and mental health issues and need saving or are you enjoying mental wellness?

All work-related mental health issues are fully preventable. Of course, provided that you don't lose your mental wellness while you face daily (work) pressures. Prevention is possible only when it is systematic and intrapersonal skills are learned while you are still more or less well.

We have made mind health and intrapersonal education easy to access, so that you can make it the foundations of your success. This empowers you to raise the sails and skillfully navigate through turbulent waters .

Are you suffering from stress, burnout and mental health issues and need saving or are you enjoying mental wellness?

Prevention as a key to securing mental wellness

Prevention remains the cornerstone of any successful strategy to secure excellent mental health. You can promote prevention by fostering a culture that nurtures employee well-being.

Straightforward initiatives such as regular training or your (talents) mind(s), plus regularly evaluating your stress level and allowing more flexible work hours through life-work integration can go a long way in reducing stress and preventing burnout.

Enjoy a free stress test!

Open and good communication can reduce anxiousness during this economic downturn phase. By providing individuals with information about your business situation, you can give them an understanding of what is going on.

Also, taking time for aware listening matters. By securing an opportunity to express their thoughts and concerns you can give employees a sense of validation. Front-line workers have often good ideas that allow them to make everyone's life easier. Take time to listen to those insights and apply useful proposals so that your life and life of your customers become easier.

When people feel properly heard and adequately supported, it diminishes feelings of isolation and apprehension, fostering a deeper sense of connection and trust. Additionally, clear and honest communication can help clarify possible misunderstandings and alleviate uncertainty, contributing to a more calm state of mind.

Mental wellness is an investment

The ROI of investing in mental wellness is up to tenfold according to Deloitte and our own customer experience.

Several studies have convincingly shown that employees who enjoy access to mental wellness resources are more engaged, productive, and less likely to take extended sick leaves due to mental health issues. Furthermore, a healthy workplace culture can attract and retain top talent, reducing recruitment and training costs.

People with good intrapersonal skills also become more creative, take more personal responsibility and secure healthy interpersonal relations.

Mental health problems vs benefitting from mental wellness

Proactivity is the main key to reaping these benefits. Leaders and HR managers fulfill a pivotal role by creating mental health policies and implementing proactive measures.

Providing employees with complimentary access to mental wellness trainings, mental health first aid and counseling services, supportive EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) and giving mental health days when needed can establish a substantial difference.


Now, all business leaders and HR managers should take the opportunity to commit to a workplace culture that values mental health as much as physical health.

Promoting active use of awareness and intrapersonal skills lays the path to prevention and proactivity as the fundamental building blocks of a mentally resilient workforce. In doing so, they not only enhance the well-being of their employees but also ensure a healthier bottom line.

Securing mental wellness is more than an ethical responsibility; realistically it is a strategic investment advantage that yields a substantial return on investment. Therefore, allow this colorful October to be the month where you too take meaningful steps towards a more prosperous, mentally healthier future in your workplace.

Your mind health is your key to (enjoying) success.

The tranquility of silence and the vibrant hues of autumn have the power to soothe our minds

This blog post and photos are provided by Kaur Lass. Last update 27.05.2024