Focus on the solution, not on the problem

Focus on the solution, not on the problemIntrapersonal skills can remove your bad days

Often our problems consume our time and (mental) health. By the definition of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary problem is a "thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand."

So, by definition of a problem, it isn't the real problem. Your difficulty is the one aspect of the problem. When you would know how to deal with it, it would no longer be experienced by you as a problem, it would be a challenge instead.

The second aspect is a lack of understanding. When you would understand it, it wouldn't be felt or experienced as a problem for you. When you know how to deal with something, you could take on any challenge without self-doubt or worry.

To sum it up, lack of experience (hence the difficulty) and lack of information define something as a problem for you. 

What you need to equip yourself with, in this context, is practical knowledge that you can apply. And this knowledge always has two inter-dependent sides: 

  • Professional skills (the deep expertise of your area);
  • Intrapersonal skills (that keep your mind fit when facing new challenges).

Viewing problems as challenges

You always have a choice. When you become aware of something (referred as it) you can:

  1. Focus on the problem side of it (study the problem; become obsessed about it; feel that the problem is your identity; think about the problem and talk about it with others, etc.);
  2. Observe it and remain neutral (let go of it and move on as it isn't right now important enough or doesn't demand your instant attention);
  3. Take it as a challenge. 

From the aspect of your mental wellness, both the second and third options on that list enable you to stay well and move on. The first option, on the other hand, becomes disturbing and causes procrastination and loss of well-being.

When you look at the problem as a challenge that needs your attention, it becomes easy to focus on the possible solutions.

Focusing on the problem causes procrastination

Being obsessed with the problem has never helped anyone. When you experience something as a problem, it consumes your attention and vital energy.

Giving your attention to something means that you cannot focus on other things. In that sense, being stuck with a problem side of something keeps you away from solutions.

When you face challenges without having the inner readiness or willingness to deal with them, you procrastinate.

Procrastination is like winter when everything is still and frozen.
Procrastination is like winter when everything is still and frozen.

Talking about the problem has only one valid point – understanding and explaining the challenge ahead. After the challenge is understood, the next step should always be planning a way to arrive at a solution. For this, you take the journey apart into actionable steps.


When you know your action plan, then you need to act. For this, you take each step by being fully aware of the present situation and solve your parts in it as impeccably as you can. Impeccability isn't the same as perfectionism

Impeccability means using your current skills and resources at your disposal the best way you know at any given moment. Yes, an hour, or a day or even a year later, you could do better, but this 'better way' was unknown to you back when you had to do it in the first place. 

What is done is done, you do not have the power to change things in your past. No one has. In case you have done what you did in your past the best way you could back then, it mostly is enough. If you cheated or did it without caring or giving your best, it usually comes back to haunt you until you face the challenge and learn from it.

Make yourself part of the solution

Practical intrapersonal skills enable you to lead yourself and the processes around you. Every genuine leader always focuses on the challenges and solutions and inspires others also to do so.

Wellness Orbit brings you e-trainings that enable you and your team to get rid of the problem-centric approach and procrastination. Being stuck on (inner and outer) problems and procrastination are bad for your mental wellness and hinder your success. 

Intrapersonal skills allow you to get things done efficiently and well.
Invest in the e-training 'Getting Things Done'


It is vital to equip yourself with intrapersonal skills. It easily allows you to your challenges instead of being part of the problem(s).

Freedom to take on new challenges amidst the constant change, that we all face (see our last blog), is the strength of a person and/or team.

Discovery of how to face and solve challenges is vital for your success and saves money and health. 

This blog post is written by Kaur Lass